Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Reading and making tables

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Reading and making tables
Max Maths
Max Maths

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Max Maths Year 4 workbook introduces students to the practical application of reading and creating tables through various exercises. In Practice 1, students are tasked with organizing and interpreting data presented in different scenarios. The first activity involves Tya's collection of flowers, where students must categorize the number of daisies, lilies, and sunflowers into a table and determine which type of flower was collected the most and the specific quantity of lilies gathered.

The second exercise takes the students into the forest with Padma, who has counted various bugs such as beetles, butterflies, ants, and spiders. Students assist Padma by arranging her findings into a table, identifying which bug was observed the most and the least, and noting the count of spiders found. The third activity revolves around Han's survey of school learners' favourite pets, ranging from cats to insects. Students use the provided data to complete a table, discern the most and least popular pets, and perform simple calculations to compare preferences. In the fourth scenario, a hairdresser needs help recovering data after a shampoo spill, prompting students to calculate the number of haircuts given on Friday and make comparisons between the days of the week to find out when the salon was busiest.