Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Addition of 3-digit numbers using regrouping and column method

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Addition of 3-digit numbers using regrouping and column method
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

The Max Maths workbook for Year 4 provides a comprehensive practice on the addition of 3-digit numbers, focusing on the use of regrouping and the column method to enhance students' arithmetic skills. Practice 5 specifically addresses the addition of 3-digit numbers, guiding students through a step-by-step process to ensure they understand how to correctly align numbers and carry out the addition operation with precision. Initially, students are tasked with filling in missing numbers to complete the steps of the addition process. They are prompted to add the ones, tens, and hundreds separately, regrouping as necessary and carrying over any additional tens or hundreds to the next column.

Further exercises require students to apply the column method to a series of addition problems, such as adding 229 to 133 or 409 to 136. Each problem is clearly laid out, encouraging students to work systematically from the ones column through to the hundreds. The workbook reinforces the importance of showing working, which is crucial for understanding the process behind the answers. This methodical approach not only helps students to get the correct answer but also builds a strong foundation for more complex mathematical concepts. As the practice progresses, students continue to work through various addition problems, solidifying their grasp of the column method and regrouping, which are essential skills for their mathematical development.