Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Addition of 3-digit numbers using regrouping and column method

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Addition of 3-digit numbers using regrouping and column method
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 4 practice, students are encouraged to develop their skills in addition by tackling a series of exercises focused on adding 3-digit numbers with regrouping using the column method. The "Let's Try It" section presents a straightforward practice where students are asked to complete sums such as adding 747 to 236 and 573 to 289. These exercises are designed to help students become comfortable with the process of aligning numbers in columns and carrying over values where necessary, a fundamental skill in arithmetic.

The "Let's Practise" portion of the practice takes the exercises a step further by asking students to not only find the sum of given numbers, such as 987 plus 223 and 75 plus 555, but also to show their working out. This step is crucial as it allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the process and enables teachers to identify any areas where a student may need further support or clarification. Additional practice and examples can be found by referring to workbook (WB) pages 38 to 42, providing a comprehensive approach to mastering the addition of 3-digit numbers through the column method.