Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Addition of 3-digit numbers using regrouping and column method (2)

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 4 curriculum, students learn the concept of addition involving 3-digit numbers through the use of regrouping and the column method. This particular lesson focuses on combining counting blocks to understand how units, tens, and hundreds are added together. Students start by stacking counting blocks in their respective columns of ones, tens, and hundreds to visually represent the numbers they are adding.
Using the example of adding 187 and 45, the first step is to add the ones. When students add 7 ones to 5 ones, they get 12 ones. This is where regrouping comes into play; they convert 12 ones into 1 ten and 2 ones, placing the 2 in the ones column and carrying over the 1 ten to the tens column. In the second step, they add the tens column: 1 ten carried over, plus 8 tens, plus 4 tens, resulting in 13 tens. Again, regrouping is necessary, converting 13 tens into 1 hundred and 3 tens, with the 3 placed in the tens column and the 1 hundred carried over to the hundreds column. The final step involves adding the hundreds column: 1 hundred carried over plus 1 hundred from the number 187, equalling 2 hundreds. The final answer, neatly laid out in the column method, is 232, demonstrating the process of regrouping and addition in a clear and structured manner.