Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Months of the year

Maths Resource Description
In a Year 3 workbook exercise, students are tasked with reinforcing their knowledge of the months of the year, focusing on the number of days in each month. The first activity requires students to categorise the months into boxes based on the number of days they contain: those with 31 days, those with 30 days, and February, which has 28 or 29 days depending on whether it's a leap year or not. This not only helps students memorise the months but also the variation in the number of days each month has.
The second activity is a true or false quiz designed to test the students' understanding of the calendar year. Questions range from the total number of months in a year to specifics like whether February always has 28 days, the order of months, and facts about leap years. This exercise helps to correct common misconceptions and reinforces key facts about the Gregorian calendar. Additionally, a crossword puzzle provides a fun and engaging way for students to apply what they've learned. Clues are given for both 'across' and 'down' to help students fill in the names of the months, which further cements their understanding of the sequence and spelling of the months of the year.