Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Adding and subtracting volumes

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Adding and subtracting volumes
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths' Year 3 workbook, Practice 10 focuses on the essential arithmetic skills of adding and subtracting volumes. This section provides a series of exercises that help children understand how to combine different volumes to find a total, as well as how to calculate the difference between two volumes. For example, in the first activity, students are presented with a series of measurements in millilitres (ml) and are tasked with adding them together to find the total volume. They are given a structured format to input the individual volumes and are guided step-by-step to sum these amounts, resulting in the total volume for each set of measurements.

The second activity shifts the focus to subtraction, where students are again given volumes in millilitres and must find the difference between them. This task helps to reinforce the concept that volumes can be compared and the relative difference determined by subtracting the smaller volume from the larger one. Students are provided with a clear formula to follow, allowing them to record the two volumes and perform the subtraction to find the difference in volume. These exercises are designed to not only build mathematical competence in handling volumes but also to enhance problem-solving skills and numerical fluency in young learners.