Max Maths, Year 3, Practice, Adding and subtracting volumes

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Practice, Adding and subtracting volumes
Max Maths
Max Maths

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In the Max Maths Year 3 practice exercises, students are presented with problems on adding and subtracting volumes, helping them to understand and manipulate measurements in litres and millilitres. In the first task, they are required to perform subtraction with volumes. For example, they subtract 3 litres and 704 millilitres from 6 litres and 845 millilitres, breaking it down into separate subtractions for litres and millilitres. This step-by-step approach allows students to handle each unit of measurement with ease, ultimately combining the results to find the total remaining volume.

The practice continues with a series of addition and subtraction problems that encourage the students to engage with different volumes. They add and subtract millilitres, such as in the simple tasks of adding 125 millilitres to 170 millilitres, and subtracting 120 millilitres from 350 millilitres. The exercises also include more complex problems that involve both litres and millilitres, such as adding 1 litre and 540 millilitres to 216 millilitres, and subtracting 2 litres and 404 millilitres from 5 litres and 665 millilitres. Through these exercises, students learn to combine and separate volumes, enhancing their overall understanding of liquid measurements and developing their arithmetic skills.