Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Converting between centimetres and metres, and between metres and kilometres (1)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Converting between centimetres and metres, and between metres and kilometres (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In an engaging activity from Max Maths for Year 3, students are encouraged to practice converting measurements between centimetres and metres. The task involves a real-life scenario where they must determine the dimensions of a classroom whiteboard. The first part of the exercise, part (a), asks the students to convert the height of the whiteboard, given as 1 metre and 15 centimetres, into just centimetres. This involves understanding that 1 metre is equivalent to 100 centimetres and then adding the additional centimetres to find the total height in centimetres.

Part (b) of the activity requires students to perform the reverse operation for the whiteboard's width, which is given solely in centimetres (225 cm). They must convert this measurement into a combination of metres and centimetres. To do this, students need to recognise that 100 centimetres make up 1 metre and calculate how many full metres are contained within the total centimetres, and then determine the remaining centimetres. This exercise is designed to solidify their understanding of the relationship between these units of measurement and to apply this knowledge to practical examples.