Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Converting between centimetres and metres, and between metres and kilometres (1)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Converting between centimetres and metres, and between metres and kilometres (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths workbook for Year 3, students are introduced to the concept of converting measurements between different units of length, specifically from centimetres to metres and from metres to kilometres. The exercises are designed to help students understand how to work with these units in a practical context. For instance, one task involves calculating the length and height of a car given in centimetres. Students are asked to express these dimensions in both metres and centimetres, reinforcing their understanding of the equivalence between these units and practising addition and conversion.

Another activity focuses on converting the heights of two trees from a combination of metres and centimetres into just centimetres. This helps students to grasp the idea of adding the centimetre part to the metre part after converting metres to centimetres. Further exercises guide students through the process of converting various lengths into centimetres, and then back into metres and centimetres, providing ample practice in using the conversion factor that 1 metre equals 100 centimetres. The workbook also includes problems where students convert distances given in kilometres and metres into just metres, allowing them to become familiar with larger units of measurement and the concept of adding different units within the metric system.