Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Comparing and ordering fractions

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Comparing and ordering fractions
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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The Max Maths workbook for Year 3 includes a section on comparing and ordering fractions, providing young learners with practice exercises to enhance their understanding of fractions. In Practice 2, students are asked to write down the fractions represented by coloured parts of shapes and compare them to determine which is larger or smaller. For example, they might be given two coloured shapes and must identify which fraction is greater than the other. The workbook guides students through this process with clear examples and prompts them to fill in the blanks with the appropriate comparative terms such as 'greater' or 'less'.

Further exercises involve arranging fractions from the greatest to the smallest. Students are presented with a series of fractions and are instructed to order them accordingly. This not only reinforces their ability to compare fractions but also teaches them how to sequence multiple fractions along a spectrum of values. Additionally, the workbook includes activities where students must underline the smallest or greatest fraction in a given set, further solidifying their comparative skills. In the final task, learners are challenged to order a list of fractions from the smallest to the largest, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the size relationships between different fractions.