Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Making pictograms

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Making pictograms
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths Workbook for Year 2, students are introduced to the basics of data handling through the creation of pictograms. The workbook provides a series of engaging practice activities designed to help children understand how to represent and interpret data visually. In Practice 1, students are tasked with counting everyday items such as knives, forks, and spoons. They must record the correct number of each item and then use this data to complete a pictogram, where each symbol represents a set number of items.

Further activities guide students to examine pre-made pictograms and extract information from them. For example, they might be asked to identify which sport is most popular among learners by looking at the number of symbols representing each sport, or determine how many items such as footballs or teddy bears are in a shop based on the pictogram provided. Additionally, children are encouraged to count different types of fruit and insects, record their frequencies in a table, and then translate this data into a pictogram or bar graph. These exercises not only help to develop their counting skills but also teach them how to organise and present data in a clear and meaningful way.