Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Order and patterns

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Order and patterns
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together' series, the chapter on Order and Patterns focuses on foundational numeracy skills for young learners. The exercises are designed to help children understand and practice the sequence of numbers in an engaging and interactive way. Initially, the task is to count from zero to ten, which introduces the concept of number order. This activity is a great way for students to become familiar with the basic number line and to reinforce their counting skills in a straightforward and structured manner.

After mastering the count upwards, the lesson takes a twist as the children are encouraged to start at the bottom of the next page and count backwards to zero. This reverse counting exercise is not only fun but also challenges the students to think about numbers in a different way, enhancing their understanding of numerical order. The book provides visual aids with the numbers and their corresponding words, such as '3 three', '2 two', '0 zero', '5 five', '7 seven', '8 eight', and '10 ten', which support the children in connecting the numeral with its name and in recognising patterns in number sequences.