Multiplication and Division Target Board - Written multiplication

Year 3
Multiplication and Division Target Board - Written multiplication
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

KS2Gems' Target Boards are an engaging educational tool designed to enhance the multiplication and division skills of Year 3 students. The objective of Target Board 2 is to encourage pupils to write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division. This includes working with the multiplication tables they are familiar with and applying these to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. The activity starts with mental calculations and gradually progresses to formal written methods, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the concepts.

The versatility of Target Boards makes them ideal for both whole-class engagement and small group work. Teachers can display the board so every child can see it and provide individual whiteboards and pens for active participation. The exercise involves presenting a board with a variety of numbers and asking the children to perform calculations or find answers that meet specific criteria. For instance, a teacher might challenge the class to identify two numbers on the board that, when multiplied, result in a total greater than 50. This method allows for simultaneous differentiation, as each group can be given unique instructions to suit their learning level, making the activity adaptable and inclusive for all students.