Place value - 100s, 10s and 1s 2 - Starter

Year 3
Place value - 100s, 10s and 1s 2 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In an engaging mathematics session designed for Year 3 students, the concept of place value is explored through a variety of exercises. The lesson commences with a starter task where students are challenged to perform a subtraction: 78 minus 40. This helps reinforce their understanding of place value as they calculate the difference between the numbers. Following this, the 'Fluent in Four' revision segment encourages students to delve deeper into place value by representing numbers in different forms. They are asked to illustrate their understanding of the number 30, first by showing six groups of five and then by performing a subtraction involving tens and ones.

Students further demonstrate their grasp of place value and number operations by drawing a clock to show a specific time—quarter to three—and by expressing the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. They explore how six groups of five can be represented both as an addition sequence and as a multiplication equation, 6 x 5, which equals 30. The lesson is designed to be interactive and thought-provoking, with tasks that require students to visualize numbers and their components, and to understand how these components come together to form larger numbers. Through these activities, students practice and consolidate their knowledge of hundreds, tens, and ones, and how these units are used in both addition and subtraction.

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