Place value - 100s, 10s and 1s 2 - Planning

Year 3
Place value - 100s, 10s and 1s 2 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In Year 3, during the Autumn term's second week of Place Value, students delve into the concept of hundreds, tens, and ones. This particular lesson employs a variety of resources such as place value counters, Base 10, part whole models, worksheets, and a presentation to enhance learning. The key vocabulary includes terms like 'Place Value', 'Numerals', 'Represent', 'Part whole model', 'Hundreds', 'Tens', and 'Ones'. Students begin with a 'fluent in four' questions activity to recapitulate their previous knowledge. They then engage in activities that help them represent three-digit numbers using a place value chart, understand the impact of adding or subtracting 1, 10, or 100 to these numbers, and use part whole models to partition numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones.

During the lesson, children further their understanding by comparing numbers and reasoning out loud why one number is greater or lesser than another. The lesson encourages practical application through partner work where students represent three-digit numbers and challenge each other to identify the represented number, reinforcing their comprehension with the use of stem sentences. Additionally, they are prompted to think creatively by representing numbers in various ways, for instance, showing 446 as '3 hundreds + 14 tens + 6 ones'. This approach solidifies their grasp of the part whole model. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging. The progression of learning is structured to cater to different levels of understanding, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth by partitioning numbers in multiple ways.

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