Place value - Numbers to 1,000 on a place value grid - Starter

Year 3
Place value - Numbers to 1,000 on a place value grid - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The material presents a variety of exercises aimed at Year 3 students to strengthen their understanding of place value, particularly with numbers up to 1,000. One of the exercises includes a calculation task where students are required to add two numbers together, such as 25 plus 10, and to represent numbers on a place value grid. The 'Fluent in Four' section is a revision activity where students must identify a number based on its representation in tens and ones, for example, 'four tens and six ones' and then add an additional '11 ones' to this total. This helps to solidify their grasp of adding numbers within the hundreds, tens, and ones columns.

Additional activities encourage students to apply their numerical knowledge in practical scenarios. They are asked to identify lengths that are 'longer than 4 cm but shorter than 6 cm', and 'shorter than half of 10 cm but longer than half of 6 cm', integrating measurement with their understanding of place value and number operations. The exercises also include kinesthetic learning opportunities, such as waving a hand or stamping a foot, to make the learning experience more engaging and memorable. The tasks are designed to be interactive and to promote the students' ability to visualise and manipulate numbers within a given range, thereby enhancing their numerical fluency and confidence.

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