Place value - Numbers to 1,000 on a place value grid - Planning

Year 3
Place value - Numbers to 1,000 on a place value grid - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 3 mathematics lesson focused on place value, students explore the concept of representing numbers up to 1,000 using a place value grid. The lesson begins with a starter activity where children answer questions to review what they have previously learned about place value. The class teaching input encourages students to understand what a place value grid is and the importance of the order of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. Practical activities involve using physical place value grids and counters to represent numbers visually, ensuring that students recognize the significance of each column and the use of zero as a placeholder when necessary.

During the independent learning phase, children engage in a series of activities. The first activity requires them to identify numbers on place value grids, while the second has them create their own grids on whiteboards to represent given numbers. In the third activity, students match place value grids to their corresponding numerical values, learning that grids can display dots or numerals. The plenary includes a reflection on the skills used and concepts learned, such as the structure of a place value grid and its unchangeable order. The lesson plan caters to different levels of understanding, with differentiated worksheets for those working towards the expected level, at the expected level, and at greater depth, each designed to reinforce the concept of place value in a manner suitable for the student's proficiency.

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