Place value - Numbers to 1,000 on a place value grid - Presentation

Year 3
Place value - Numbers to 1,000 on a place value grid - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a comprehensive lesson about understanding numbers up to 1,000, students are introduced to the concept of place value using a place value grid. The lesson is designed to help them visualise and grasp the significance of each digit's position within a number. A place value grid is a tool that clearly delineates the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones columns, allowing students to see the value each digit represents in a multi-digit number. The lesson begins with a discussion on the nature of a place value grid and how it helps in identifying the value of digits in larger numbers.

Students are then engaged in a series of activities where they apply their knowledge of the place value grid. One activity involves determining the value of a number when there are zero thousands, prompting students to recognise the number in the hundreds, tens, and ones places. Another activity requires students to use a whiteboard to represent numbers on a place value grid, reinforcing their understanding of the visual layout of digits. Further exercises include matching place value grids to the correct numbers, such as identifying 'six hundred and fifteen' or 'three hundred and seven' from the given grids. Independent work tasks consolidate this learning, with students analysing place value grids to determine represented numbers and completing grids to form correct numbers, enhancing their ability to comprehend and work with numbers up to 1,000.

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