Multiplication and division - Divide by 2 - Starter

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Divide by 2 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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For Year 2 students in their spring term, Week 4, Day 1 focuses on developing their understanding of division and multiplication through practical examples and visual aids. The lesson starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision section, challenging students with arithmetic problems that require a combination of operations. They are asked to find half of 52 and then add 37, and to sum 74 and 18. These exercises not only test their computational skills but also their understanding of the concept of halves and basic addition.

Further tasks include division questions such as dividing 40 by 5 and 24 by 2, encouraging students to recognise patterns in division and connect them to real-world contexts, like sharing and grouping. To visually represent their answers, pupils are prompted to use a number line, a tool that aids in conceptualising the division process. Additionally, a practical scenario is presented where students must determine the winner in a goal-scoring competition by ordering the participants—Ben, Kat, and Sam—based on their goal tallies. This activity integrates mathematical reasoning with a competitive element, making the learning experience engaging and relatable.

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