Multiplication and division - Divide by 2 - Presentation

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Divide by 2 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the lesson focused on division, specifically dividing by 2, students are encouraged to utilise their understanding of the 2-times table to solve division problems. The lesson starts with an interactive discussion, prompting students to recall their 2-times table facts in pairs. Following this, a series of activities are presented which aim to explore the relationship between division by 2 and the concept of halving. The first activity involves completing stem sentences with the numbers of cubes or carrots provided, reinforcing the idea that dividing by 2 effectively splits a quantity into two equal groups. This fundamental mathematical principle is further illustrated through practical examples and visual aids.

The lesson progresses with an activity where students group socks and gloves into pairs, prompting them to notice patterns and relationships between multiplication and division. They complete number sentences based on their grouping, which helps to solidify their understanding of the division process. In another activity, students explore real-life scenarios such as sharing sweets or lollipops between two people, using bar models to visualise the division and write corresponding calculations. The lesson also delves into reasoning exercises, where students compare sharing and grouping, and consider different outcomes based on the same division calculation. Independent work challenges students to apply their knowledge to various problems, reinforcing the lesson's concepts and encouraging critical thinking about division and multiplication.

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