Multiplication and division - Divide by 2 - Planning

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Divide by 2 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The Year 2 curriculum for the spring term includes a week focused on multiplication and division, with a particular emphasis on dividing by 2. The National Curriculum objectives for this week are to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, recognise odd and even numbers, and solve problems using a variety of methods. Key vocabulary such as 'odd', 'even', 'division', 'multiplication', and 'grouping' are integral to understanding the concepts taught. Students will be using differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and practical resources like scissors to engage in the learning process. The lesson aims to ensure that children are comfortable with the concept of dividing by 2, which includes understanding it as sharing into two equal groups or halving a quantity.

The lesson begins with a recap on grouping and sharing, reinforcing the children's ability to represent division with abstract number sentences using division and equals symbols. Through partner work and interactive presentations, students explore dividing by 2 by practising with objects and drawings, translating these into division calculations and inverse multiplication sentences. The lesson progresses to reasoning and problem-solving activities, where students are encouraged to differentiate between grouping and sharing and to understand the relationship between division by 2 and halving. As students work at different levels, from working towards to greater depth, they cut out word problems and demonstrate their understanding through grouping by drawing dots and circling them or by sharing, drawing two circles and distributing amounts. The lesson supports a comprehensive understanding of dividing by 2, linking it to halving and multiplication, and is designed to cater to varying levels of student proficiency.

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