Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers crossing 10 - Worksheet

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers crossing 10 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet is designed to help Year 6 students master the skill of adding two-digit numbers, particularly when this process involves crossing the ten boundary. The National Curriculum objective is to add numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mental strategies. To facilitate this learning, differentiated worksheets and teaching slides are provided as resources. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as '2-digit number', 'addition', 'total', 'partition', 'exchange', 'represent', 'value', and 'sum'. Students are encouraged to use Base 10 blocks and partitioning methods to add two-digit numbers together, including when there is a need to exchange ten ones for one ten. This process is supported by the use of manipulatives and the option for students to record their calculations using a formal column method.

As part of the learning process, the worksheet includes a series of addition problems that require students to calculate the sum of two-digit numbers. For example, when adding 24 and 17, students break down the numbers into ones and tens, and then combine them, taking care to handle the exchange when the ones add up to more than ten. The worksheet provides a clear structure for students to follow, with spaces to fill in the intermediate steps and the final answer. The worksheet also offers reasoning and problem-solving activities, where students must find possible pairs of numbers that complete an addition or create their own calculations that result in an exchange in the ones. These activities aim to deepen students' understanding of the addition process and encourage them to use various strategies to solve the problems.

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