Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers crossing 10 - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers crossing 10 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In Year 2, during the fourth week of Autumn Addition and Subtraction, students embark on mastering the skill of adding two-digit numbers that cross the tens boundary. This lesson utilises practical resources such as Base 10 blocks and place value grids to help visualise the process. The key vocabulary introduced includes terms like 'addition', 'exchange', 'tens', and 'ones', which are crucial for understanding the concepts at hand. The children start by answering 'fluent in four' questions to warm up their mathematical thinking. The class then revisits previous learning, where they have already encountered exchanging 10 ones for one ten, and uses partitioning alongside Base 10 to add two-digit numbers that involve this exchange. The lesson is structured to gradually build upon the children's knowledge, starting with simple addition and moving towards more complex problems that require exchanging.

During the lesson, children engage in various activities to reinforce their understanding. They use stem sentences to describe the steps in adding two-digit numbers and explore calculations that necessitate exchanging ones for tens. Practical exercises with Base 10 blocks encourage hands-on learning, and group work fosters collaboration as students use their resources to solve problems and create number stories. The lesson also includes reasoning activities that can be completed outdoors, encouraging children to verbalise their thought processes using stem sentences. To consolidate their learning, students complete differentiated worksheets independently. The plenary session includes a 'Give me five' reflection where children share what they have learned and identify which skills they found challenging or helpful. The lesson aims to deepen their understanding of place value and the process of addition, ensuring they can apply these skills in various contexts, including word problems.

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