Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers crossing 10 - Starter

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers crossing 10 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In this engaging mathematics session for Year 2 pupils, during the Autumn term's eighth week, the focus is on enhancing addition and subtraction skills, particularly when adding two-digit numbers that cross the number 10. The session kicks off with a "Fluent in Four" revision segment, where children are presented with a series of calculations to solve. One such problem is '16 – 9', which requires the pupils to subtract a single-digit number from a two-digit number, crossing the threshold of 10. Another task asks students to find what is 'half of 20 – 8', challenging them to perform a two-step calculation involving halving and subtraction.

As part of the lesson, students are presented with practical scenarios to apply their mathematical understanding. For example, they are told that Rosie has 8 carrots and gives 1 away, prompting them to calculate the remaining number of carrots. This simple subtraction is designed to reinforce their understanding of taking away. Additionally, comparison vocabulary is introduced through a sentence completion task where students must decide whether the ball is 'heavier', 'equal to', or 'lighter' than the cookie. Further exercises include adding two-digit numbers like '14 + 34' and understanding the concept of place value through tasks such as '4 ones + 4 ones' and '1 ten + 3 tens'. The children are encouraged to complete the number sentences provided, which helps solidify their grasp of combining tens and ones to form two-digit numbers.

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