Geometry Shape - Sort 3D shapes - Starter

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Sort 3D shapes - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 mathematics lesson, children are introduced to the world of 3D shapes through an engaging sorting activity. The lesson, part of the Autumn Term's Week 10 Day 2 curriculum, begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision task designed to sharpen their mental arithmetic skills. Students are provided with 10 counters to assist in their calculations. This starter activity not only warms up their mathematical thinking but also prepares them for the main task of the day—identifying and categorising different 3D shapes.

The main activity involves a hands-on exploration of 3D shapes, where students are tasked with determining the odd one out from a given set and counting the number of each type of shape present. They are asked to record the number of cuboids, cylinders, pyramids, cubes, spheres, and cones they can identify. This exercise not only helps the children recognise various geometric forms but also reinforces their counting skills. To deepen their understanding, the children are then challenged to order the groups of shapes from the greatest to the least number. This activity combines visual discrimination with numerical ordering, making it a comprehensive learning experience that touches on multiple facets of early geometry and numeracy.

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