Geometry Shape - Sort 3D shapes - Planning

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Sort 3D shapes - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In an engaging Year 1 geometry lesson, pupils are introduced to the world of three-dimensional shapes through a variety of hands-on and interactive activities. The lesson's objective is to sort 3D shapes based on their properties, such as type, size, and colour, as well as their ability to roll or stack. Key vocabulary including '3-D', 'cube', 'cuboid', 'cylinder', 'pyramid', 'cone', 'sphere', 'face', 'sort', and 'properties' is emphasised to build a strong foundation in geometric terminology. Resources provided for the lesson include differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, a selection of 3D shapes, scissors, glue, hoops, and labels, all of which aim to facilitate both individual and group learning experiences.

The lesson plan outlines various activities where children practise identifying and grouping shapes, using hoops to physically sort them and discussing their reasoning in full sentences. They explore the concept that a shape's orientation does not change its properties, and they investigate which shapes can roll or stack, and why. In addition to practical sorting tasks, the lesson includes reasoning and problem-solving exercises that challenge pupils to consider different criteria for categorising shapes, such as the presence of flat or curved faces. The plenary session encourages self-reflection, with children considering what they have learnt, the skills they have used, and what they found challenging. The lesson aims to cater to different levels of understanding, with worksheets designed for working towards expected levels and greater depth, ensuring that all pupils can engage with the content effectively and build upon their knowledge of 3D shapes.

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