Geometry Shape - Sort 3D shapes - Presentation

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Sort 3D shapes - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second lesson of a series on geometry, students are introduced to the concept of sorting three-dimensional (3D) shapes based on their distinct properties. The lesson encourages students to observe and compare shapes such as cubes and cuboids, prompting them to discuss the similarities and differences they identify. Through engaging teaching slides, pupils are guided to develop their understanding of 3D shapes by considering attributes such as the number of faces, edges, and vertices, as well as the shapes of the faces themselves.

The lesson includes various activities that challenge students to categorise 3D shapes effectively. One activity asks them to determine the odd one out in different groups of shapes, reinforcing their ability to discern the unique characteristics of each shape. Another activity requires students to sort shapes into groups, such as cylinders versus cuboids, and to consider alternative sorting methods, like grouping by colour or the presence of curved surfaces. Independent work further reinforces this knowledge, where students cut out shape images and sort them into categories, justifying their reasoning and exploring the diversity of shapes that share a name. The lesson culminates in a discussion that encourages critical thinking about the classification and properties of 3D shapes.

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