Addition and subtraction within 10 - Find the difference - Worksheet

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Find the difference - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The "Find the Difference" worksheet is a comprehensive educational resource designed to help Year 6 students master addition and subtraction within 10. The lesson's objective aligns with the National Curriculum (NC) and aims to enhance students' abilities to add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers up to 20, including zero. It also encourages understanding and use of number bonds, interpretation of mathematical statements with addition and subtraction symbols, and solving one-step problems that involve finding missing numbers. To facilitate learning, the worksheet offers differentiated materials and teaching slides, as well as tangible resources like cubes or numicon to visually demonstrate numerical differences.

Key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as add, subtract, number bonds, counting on, missing parts, part-whole, value, number sentence, difference, and backwards. Students are encouraged to explore the concept of finding the difference through various activities that may involve counting back or on and visually comparing quantities to understand how many more or less one number is than another. The worksheet provides an arrow to guide students in identifying the difference and applies this skill to a range of questions. To deepen understanding, children are presented with reasoning and problem-solving tasks that involve colouring bars to see the difference and answering questions, thereby reinforcing their comprehension of the concept.

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