Addition and subtraction within 10 - Find the difference - Planning

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Find the difference - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The Year 1 Autumn curriculum for addition and subtraction within 10 introduces pupils to the concept of finding the difference between two numbers as part of their Week 5 learning. This foundational mathematical skill is aligned with the National Curriculum objectives which include understanding and using number bonds within 10, interpreting mathematical statements with addition, subtraction, and equals signs, and solving problems using concrete objects and pictorial representations. In this particular lesson, key vocabulary such as 'part', 'whole', 'difference', and 'number sentence' are emphasised to help children articulate their understanding of the concepts. The lesson plan is designed to engage children with differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and hands-on resources like cubes, beads, and straws to facilitate interactive learning.

During the lesson, children are encouraged to explore the process of finding the difference through activities that involve counting back on a number track and comparing quantities. For example, they may be shown the numbers 6 and 2 and asked to count backwards to find the difference. The lesson also introduces the term 'difference' and relates it to subtraction, with the use of visual aids like cubes in towers to make the comparison more tangible. As they progress, children are prompted to draw problems on squared paper, allowing for easier visual comparison. The session concludes with reasoning and problem-solving activities that challenge pupils to investigate number pairs and use various strategies to find the difference. To address common misconceptions, the lesson emphasises the importance of visual aids and ensures that children understand the link between the concept of difference and subtraction. The plenary includes a 'Give me five' reflection exercise, where children identify what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging, thereby reinforcing their understanding and ensuring they remember the key points of the lesson.

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