Addition and subtraction within 10 - Systematic number bonds - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Systematic number bonds - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the eighth lesson of a series on fluency and reasoning in mathematics, students are encouraged to explore systematic number bonds within the realm of addition and subtraction, up to the number 10. The concept of being systematic is introduced and discussed, prompting students to consider what it means to approach number bonds in an orderly and methodical manner. The lesson includes a variety of activities where students are tasked with completing number sentences to represent these number bonds. For example, they are shown how to write out all the pairs of numbers that add up to 5, starting with 5 + 0 and 4 + 1, and then filling in the blanks for the remaining combinations systematically.

As the lesson progresses, students delve deeper into the pattern of number bonds, using tools such as bead strings and ten frames to visualise and understand the relationships between numbers. They are asked to identify and write down all the possible ways to form number bonds to a given number, such as 7, and to notice any patterns that emerge as they work through the numbers methodically. The activities are designed to help students recognise the systematic increase or decrease in the parts of the number bonds as they work through each possible combination. This structured approach not only reinforces their understanding of addition and subtraction within 10 but also enhances their problem-solving skills as they determine the various ways to reconstruct number bonds, such as those of a cheetah's spots in one of the reasoning activities.

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