Addition and subtraction within 10 - Systematic number bonds - Planning

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Systematic number bonds - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In Year 1 Autumn term's second week, the maths lesson plan focuses on addition and subtraction within 10, specifically honing in on systematic number bonds. The session begins with a starter activity that serves as a recap of previous learning and sets the stage for the day's objectives. Students are provided with a variety of resources, including differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, double-sided counters, and tens frames, to support their understanding of key mathematical concepts. Vocabulary such as 'addition', 'number sentence', 'part-whole model', and 'number bond' is introduced, and children are encouraged to use these terms confidently. The lesson's structure is designed to guide children through independent learning tasks, with a plenary at the end to consolidate their knowledge.

During the class, children engage in activities that encourage them to identify all possible number bonds for given numbers, using digit cards to explore different combinations. They are prompted to work systematically, starting with the whole and breaking it down into parts, as illustrated with examples such as 7 = 7 + 0, 7 = 6 + 1, and so on. The use of practical equipment like cubes and bead strings aids in visualizing these concepts. Partner work is emphasized, allowing for discussion and explanation of their thought processes. The lesson also incorporates reasoning and problem-solving tasks, where students must identify and correct non-systematic approaches. By the end of the session, children reflect on what they've learned and the methods they've employed, with differentiated activities tailored to their level of understanding, from working towards expected outcomes to achieving greater depth in their knowledge of number bonds.

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