Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes groups of objects - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes groups of objects - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In this particular lesson, the focus is on the concept of parts and wholes as it pertains to groups of objects, a fundamental aspect of addition and subtraction within the number range of 10. Students are encouraged to explore what constitutes a group and how individual items within that group can be seen as parts that make up a whole. The lesson utilises a part-whole model to visually represent this relationship. The visual aids include images of balls, which are used to demonstrate how different types of balls can be grouped together to form a whole set. The lesson prompts students to identify the number of balls in total as well as the number of specific types, such as basketballs and footballs, reinforcing the concept of parts making up a whole.

As the lesson continues, the presentation shows that part-whole models can vary in appearance, prompting students to discern where the whole and the parts are in each model. Activities are designed to challenge students to complete these models accurately. For instance, they are asked to predict what a completed part-whole model will look like and to determine the total number of items, such as doughnuts, in a whole tray. The lesson culminates with independent work where students are tasked with finding the whole number from given parts and completing part-whole models on their own. This hands-on approach helps to cement their understanding of how to combine parts to form wholes, a key skill in early numeracy.

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