Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes groups of objects - Planning

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes groups of objects - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the first week of Autumn term for Year 1, students delve into the concept of addition and subtraction within 10, focusing on understanding parts and wholes with groups of objects. The lesson utilises a part-whole model to help children visualise and grasp the relationship between individual parts and the collective whole. To support this learning, resources such as colouring in pencils are used, and the key vocabulary includes terms like 'whole', 'parts', and 'group'. The lesson starts with a recap of previous learning, where children have already begun to explore part-whole models, and now they progress to applying numbers to these models.

During the first activity, children are presented with objects, such as balls, and asked to identify the total number, which represents the whole. They then separate these into categories, like footballs and basketballs, to understand the concept of parts making up a whole. This activity also includes an exercise where children draw their own part-whole models on whiteboards, reinforcing their comprehension of the whole and its constituent parts. In the second activity, they are shown just the parts and asked to predict what the completed part-whole model will look like, emphasising that the parts combined equal the whole. The lesson includes differentiated sheets for independent work, catering to various levels of understanding, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth. A reflective 'Give me five' plenary encourages children to consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, any challenges faced, and the support they received, ensuring they remember the key concepts from the lesson.

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