Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Finding percentages of quantities and shapes (2)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Finding percentages of quantities and shapes (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In this exercise from a Year 6 mathematics textbook, students are tasked with calculating the percentages of various quantities. The objective is to help them apply their understanding of percentages to real-life contexts involving money, distance, weight, and volume. Each question requires the student to find a specific percentage of a given number by using multiplication and then writing the result in the appropriate unit.

The questions are presented in a straightforward manner, where students must fill in the blanks with their calculations. For instance, in part (a), they need to work out what 3% of $200 is, by multiplying the percentage as a decimal (0.03) by the total amount ($200). This pattern is followed in each subsequent question, with different percentages and quantities, including 11% of 220 metres, 20% of 70 kilograms, 50% of 180 millilitres, and 25% of 180 millilitres. The exercise is designed to reinforce the students' skills in finding percentages of various measurements and to ensure they are comfortable with the concept of percentage as a part of a hundred.