Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Finding percentages of quantities and shapes (1)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Finding percentages of quantities and shapes (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In the "Max Maths, Year 6" educational resource, students are challenged with a "Try it" activity focused on finding percentages of quantities and shapes. This particular task requires the pupils to analyse a grid that has been partially filled with different colours. They must calculate the percentage of the grid that is occupied by each of the specified colours: yellow, red, and green. To complete the exercise, students must identify the proportion of the grid each colour takes up and convert this into a percentage value.

Additionally, the students are tasked with determining what percentage of the grid remains uncoloured. This involves critical thinking and subtraction skills, as they must figure out the total percentage represented by all the coloured sections and subtract this from 100% to find the remaining uncoloured portion. This activity not only reinforces their understanding of percentages but also encourages them to apply mathematical concepts to visual and spatial problems. The exercise is designed to be accessible yet challenging, ensuring that Year 6 students can practice and refine their mathematical skills in a practical context.