Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Mode, range, median and mean (1)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Mode, range, median and mean (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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The lesson on 'Mode, range, median and mean' from Max Maths for Year 6 students begins by exploring the concept of mode and range through a practical example. Tya's father, who runs a shoe shop, conducts a survey of 100 customers to determine the most common shoe size he should stock. The data collected shows the frequency of each shoe size, ranging from size 30 to size 38. The mode, which is the shoe size most frequently occurring in the survey, is identified as size 35 due to its highest frequency. Furthermore, the lesson explains the range as the difference between the largest and smallest values in the data set, which in this case is 8, calculated from the largest shoe size 38 minus the smallest size 30.

Moving on to the concept of median, the lesson provides another scenario where Jade and Samir's class takes a mathematics test with scores out of 20. The scores are listed in ascending order, and the median is described as the middle value of this ordered list. Since there are two middle numbers, 16 and 17, the median is the average of these two, resulting in a median test score of 16.5. Additionally, the lesson calculates the range of the test scores, which is 9, found by subtracting the lowest score (11) from the highest score (20). This lesson helps students understand how to find the mode, range, and median, which are essential measures of central tendency and variability in a data set.