What evidence is there that the Ancient Greeks were more advanced than Ancient Britons? - Presentation

Year 3
What evidence is there that the Ancient Greeks were more advanced than Ancient Britons? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The curriculum for Year 3 history students includes an exploration of the Ancient Greeks, their life, achievements, and their enduring influence on the Western world. Pupils are expected to understand the geographical location of Greece and learn about the advanced nature of Ancient Greek civilization. They delve into the history of the Spartans and Athenians, the pantheon of Greek gods, and the inception of the Olympic Games. Furthermore, the Ancient Greeks' contribution to the concept of democracy is a key aspect of the curriculum. The teaching materials encourage students to engage with various sources of historical evidence and to develop an understanding of chronology and causation in history.

In their journey through history, students are prompted to consider how the Ancient Greeks were more advanced than the Ancient Britons. They research different facets of Greek life, including climate, daily life, food, architecture, the Olympics, and entertainment. Group activities foster collaborative learning, as students share their findings and debate the significance of the Greeks' contributions. The curriculum also emphasises the importance of critical thinking about historical evidence, acknowledging the potential for bias, censorship, and propaganda to shape our understanding of the past. By comparing timelines and examining various sources, students gain insight into the advancements of Ancient Greece compared to Britain during the same period.