Long-term overview - Famous people and events - Year 2

Year 2
Whole School
Long-term overview - Famous people and events - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the Year 2 history curriculum, pupils are encouraged to explore the lives of significant individuals from the past whose actions have had a lasting impact on both national and international levels. This includes learning about those who have made substantial contributions to the lives of black people and women, and those who have put themselves at risk to improve the world. Additionally, they are introduced to major historical events that are still discussed today, including those that have occurred locally. The objective is to help pupils understand how these individuals and events have shaped the world they live in.

As part of their disciplinary knowledge, Year 2 pupils are expected to develop an understanding of chronology and causation, engage in historical enquiry, and grasp the concepts of interpretation and significance. They will learn to differentiate between various time periods, using terms related to time to describe events and artefacts. Pupils are also taught to examine evidence such as photos and artefacts to learn about the past, and to understand that historical evidence can be interpreted in different ways. This aids them in appreciating the contributions of people who have fought for the rights of black people and other significant groups. By the end of the year, pupils should be able to place people and events into a basic timeline and recognise the importance of historical achievements and events in shaping the modern world.