Progression pedagogy - Famous people and events - Year 2

Year 2
Whole School
Progression pedagogy - Famous people and events - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In a Year 2 curriculum focusing on famous people and events that have shaped the world, a structured pedagogical approach is employed to enhance the retention and understanding of key historical figures. The progression within this unit of learning is outlined through a five-stage system: 'link it, learn it, check it, show it, and know it (make it stick)'. This system is designed to guide pupils through their learning journey, ensuring that each stage builds upon the last to reinforce knowledge and facilitate long-term memory retention.

At the beginning of the unit, 'before the learning', pupils are encouraged to make connections with any prior knowledge or experiences ('link it'). As they move into 'during the learning', new information about significant individuals and their contributions to history is introduced ('learn it'). This is followed by an assessment phase ('check it') where understanding is evaluated. Pupils then have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through various activities ('show it'). Finally, at the end of the learning process, strategies are employed to help solidify the knowledge gained ('know it (make it stick)'). This comprehensive approach, detailed in the 'Five stages of learning and remembering' document, is designed by Focus Education (UK) Ltd to maximise learning outcomes for pupils.