Link it! Prior knowledge - Famous people and events - Year 2

Year 2
Link it! Prior knowledge - Famous people and events - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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As part of the Year 2 curriculum, children are encouraged to delve into the fascinating world of famous people and pivotal events that have shaped history. They will begin by exploring what they already know, possibly recognising influential figures such as Rosa Parks and Emmeline Pankhurst, who have left indelible marks on society. Additionally, they may have some awareness of monumental events like the moon landing or the sinking of the Titanic. Building on their previous learning, the children will recall the concept of 'famous' as it was introduced in Year 1, particularly in relation to notable British individuals. Their understanding of the terms 'significant' and 'famous' will also be drawn from their foundational experiences in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

To scaffold their learning, pupils are asked to document what they already know in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. This reflective exercise not only aids in assessing their starting point but also in establishing connections across different subjects and personal experiences. By focusing on prior knowledge, children can create a web of understanding that links new information to what they have already learned, whether it be within the same subject, across different subjects, or from their own life experiences. This approach helps to contextualise the impact of these famous personalities and historical events, enriching the children's grasp of the world and its history.