Knowledge organiser - Seaside study - Year 2

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Year 2
Knowledge organiser - Seaside study - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Year 2 knowledge organiser for a Seaside Study introduces students to the key vocabulary and concepts associated with the coast. Children will learn about 'cliffs', defined as steep rock faces found typically at the sea's edge. They will explore the concept of 'tide', which refers to the rhythmic rise and fall of sea levels. The term 'resort' is explained as a destination, often by the sea, where people go to relax, typically on a holiday. 'Beach' is described as a stretch of sand or pebbles lying between the sea and the land behind it. Students will also become familiar with the word 'ocean', which signifies a vast body of saltwater that separates continents, and 'rockpool', a small pool of seawater found between rocks on the beach.

The key knowledge section delves into the reasons people are drawn to the seaside, such as the natural beauty and recreational opportunities. Students will use maps to identify the nearest seaside resorts to their school and understand the typical physical features of these resorts. They will learn about the popularity of seaside resorts for vacations and the common presence of hotels, cafes, and souvenir shops that cater to tourists. Additionally, the significance of lighthouses and the essential role of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) in ensuring safety at these resorts will be covered. Through this unit, Geography Year 2 students will gain a comprehensive understanding of seaside resorts and their importance in both geography and leisure.