Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 9 - Reading Comprehension

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 9 - Reading Comprehension
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 9 of "Kensuke's Kingdom," Kensuke desires solitude for reasons not explicitly stated, leaving readers to infer from the context. Michael is acquainted with Kensuke's perspective on their situation through conversations that reveal Kensuke's thoughts and feelings. The fire in the story becomes a beacon of hope and survival for Michael, symbolising warmth, safety, and the possibility of rescue. The phrase 'as old as the hills' is used to describe something very old, emphasising the ancient and unchanging nature of the landscape or situation.

Kensuke finds joy in painting cherry trees, which likely reminds him of his homeland, Japan, and the beauty of its natural landscapes. Michael's emotions upon the sight of a ship are a complex mix of excitement and trepidation, as it represents a chance for rescue but also the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Kensuke's compassion extends to helping baby turtles reach the sea, showcasing his deep respect for life and nature. The possibility of returning to Japan becomes a tangible consideration for Kensuke when he is faced with the reality that the outside world is still within reach. The chapter culminates with a succinct summary that encapsulates the key events and emotional journey of the characters.