Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 9 - Prediction

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 9 - Prediction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In the anticipation of what unfolds in chapter nine of "Kensuke's Kingdom," readers are prompted to ponder whether Kensuke, a pivotal character in the narrative, will make the life-altering decision to leave the island that has been his refuge. This chapter invites readers to engage with the story by making predictions about Kensuke's future actions. The contemplation of such a significant change in Kensuke's life encourages readers to consider the implications and the emotional journey that might accompany a departure from the safety and familiarity of the island.

The narrative also opens up a space for speculation about the potential consequences of Kensuke's return to Japan, his homeland. Readers are encouraged to use their understanding of the character and the story's context to imagine the cultural and personal adjustments Kensuke would face upon re-entering a society that he has been away from for so long. This exercise in prediction not only deepens readers' connection to the character but also allows them to explore themes of belonging, adaptation, and the meaning of home. Through this, "Kensuke's Kingdom" offers a rich opportunity for readers to engage creatively with the text and to explore their own thoughts and feelings about the story's development.