Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 3 - Reading Comprehension answers

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 3 - Reading Comprehension answers
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 3 of "Kensuke's Kingdom," Michael begins writing his ship's log ten days after departing Southampton. The family is warned about the stormy Bay of Biscay by Barnacle Bill, leading to Michael's frustration with the monotony of eating baked beans regularly. Michael's longing for his friend Eddie is evident as he writes to him and imagines him aboard their yacht. The term 'a bit of a tiff' is used to describe a minor argument. Drama unfolds in the Indian Ocean when Stella, the family dog, falls overboard. Upon sighting land, the family's excitement is palpable; they look forward to a break from the confines of their yacht, eager to explore new surroundings, interact with different people, indulge in varied cuisines, and enjoy activities such as playing football, all while celebrating their sailing accomplishments.

Chapter 3 of "Kensuke's Kingdom" sees Michael's family navigating the challenges of sea life. Ten days out of Southampton, they contend with the notorious Bay of Biscay and the tedium of a diet heavy in baked beans. Michael misses his friend Eddie deeply. The family experiences a scare in the Indian Ocean when Stella is briefly lost at sea. The sight of land brings a surge of relief and excitement, promising a much-needed respite and the simple joys of new experiences and celebrations of their journey.