Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 3 - Reading Comprehension

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 3 - Reading Comprehension
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 3 of "Kensuke's Kingdom," comprehension questions delve into the details of Michael's journey after departing from Southampton. The questions explore various aspects of life at sea, including the reasons behind Michael's aversion to baked beans and the emotional impact of missing his friend Eddie. The significance of the Bay of Biscay is also questioned, as well as the meaning of the phrase 'a bit of a tiff' and the circumstances surrounding Stella's fall overboard. Additionally, the excitement of the family upon sighting land is probed, inviting readers to consider the emotions and challenges faced by the characters. A concise summary of the chapter is requested, challenging readers to distil the essence of the narrative into a mere 50 words, capturing the key events and shifts in the story.

As readers progress through the questions, they are encouraged to reflect on Michael's experiences and the dynamics of his family's adventure. The questions serve to enhance understanding of the narrative and encourage deeper engagement with the text. They prompt readers to consider not just the surface-level events, but also the underlying feelings and motivations of the characters as they navigate the trials of their voyage. This chapter's comprehension questions are an invitation to immerse oneself in the world of "Kensuke's Kingdom," to analyse and empathise with the characters, and to summarise their journey succinctly.