Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 2 - Reading Comprehension

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 2 - Reading Comprehension
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 2 of "Kensuke's Kingdom," the concept of being dry is considered a 'luxury' because it implies a level of comfort and normalcy that is not present in Michael's current situation. The text suggests that the conditions are challenging and that staying dry is a rare and appreciated state. When Michael refers to the football as a 'talisman', he means that it has become a symbol of hope and protection, something that gives him comfort and possibly luck in his precarious circumstances.

Michael's dramatic statement that they might be 'the last people alive on the planet' conveys a profound sense of isolation and loneliness, highlighting his feelings of being cut off from the rest of the world. The reason Michael finds writing his journal easier than writing at school could be the freedom from academic expectations and the therapeutic nature of expressing his thoughts and feelings during a difficult time. A summary of Chapter 2, in less than 50 words: Michael experiences the hardships of his new reality at sea, finding solace in a football talisman and documenting his journey in a journal, which provides an easier and more cathartic outlet than schoolwork ever did.