Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 2 - Reading Comprehension answers

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 2 - Reading Comprehension answers
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In the second chapter of "Kensuke's Kingdom," the notion of dryness is considered a luxury because the characters are frequently wet, making the experience of being dry quite rare and therefore highly valued. Michael refers to a football as a 'talisman,' indicating that it serves as a protective charm for him. His dramatic statement about feeling like the last people alive on the planet conveys a profound sense of isolation and the uniqueness of their situation. Michael finds writing in his journal easier than schoolwork because he is eager to document the thrilling adventure they are on, driven by inspiration from his surroundings and a desire to articulate his thoughts as if speaking them aloud. A concise summary of this chapter would encapsulate these elements, highlighting the emotional and physical experiences of Michael and his family during their unique journey.