Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 1 - Word Workshop

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 1 - Word Workshop
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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The "Word Workshop" from the first chapter of "Kensuke's Kingdom" is an educational tool designed to enhance the vocabulary of KS2 students. It provides a structured approach to learning new words by exploring their meanings, usage in sentences, and related linguistic forms such as synonyms and antonyms. Students are encouraged to modify words by adding prefixes or suffixes, changing their number or tense, thereby deepening their understanding of the English language. This comprehensive method not only enriches students' vocabulary but also hones their grammatical skills.

Each word from the chapter is dissected to give students a full spectrum of understanding. For example, words like "extraordinary" and "deceived" are examined for their class, meaning, and opposite meanings. The workshop also delves into words like "disappearance" and "foreseen", prompting learners to think critically about how these words can be transformed and used in different contexts. By engaging with this workshop, students gain a more nuanced appreciation of words and their applications, which is crucial for effective communication and literacy development.