Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 1 - Compare

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 1 - Compare
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In the initial chapter of "Kensuke's Kingdom," the atmosphere within Michael's household undergoes a significant shift following the arrival of a redundancy letter. Prior to receiving this unsettling news, the home environment is depicted as stable and ordinary, with the usual dynamics and routines that one might expect in a family setting. The reader is invited to consider the sense of normalcy and perhaps even contentment that characterises the household before the disruption caused by the letter.

However, the atmosphere after the redundancy letter is received is markedly different. The letter acts as a catalyst for change, introducing tension, uncertainty, and a host of emotional responses that alter the family's interactions and overall mood. The exercise asks the reader to compare and contrast these two distinct atmospheres, examining how a single piece of news can have a profound impact on the family's sense of security and their outlook on the future. The comparison serves as a means to explore themes of stability, change, and the resilience of the family unit in the face of adversity.