Bill's New Frock - Chapter 6 - Word Workshop

Year 3
Bill's New Frock - Chapter 6 - Word Workshop
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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The 'Word Workshop' from chapter 6 of "Bill's New Frock" is an engaging activity designed to enhance vocabulary skills. For the word 'blazed', students would explore its meaning, use it in a sentence, and experiment with modifying the word through various grammatical changes. They would also delve into finding synonyms, words with similar meanings, and antonyms, words with opposite meanings, to broaden their understanding of the word's usage and context.

Similar exercises are conducted with a variety of words including 'reflected', 'disbelief', 'astonished', 'ignored', and 'imprisoned', among others. Each term is dissected to understand its class, meaning, and how it can be altered by adding prefixes, suffixes, or changing its form. This comprehensive approach not only reinforces the students' grasp of individual words but also helps them appreciate the nuances of the English language, enabling them to express themselves more effectively and creatively.